WBo2 version 3H1 is Tech Edge's current top-of-the-range DUAL-channel
wideband offering. Presented in a stylish and distinctive matt lime extruded aluminium case,
3H1 has all the features of the single channel 3B1
including 1 Megabyte of on-board logging memory as well as support for more sensors,
more versatile input channels and other evolutionary changes.
The image above right shows the LA1 configured (using dConf section of wbUTIL) for dual channel operation. The LA1 is the only display that can show two channels at the same time on the bargraph. The red bars show one channel, and the green the other. When each channel reads the same, the colours combine to create amber. The central digit display shows the average of both channels. Other display configurations are possible using the wbUTIL configuration software.
Tech Edge 3H1 Features
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Dual Channel Unit & misc. parts | 2 x LSU Sensors | 2 x Cables | Display |
Total price of selected item(s) : quantity : ...
To fit all the 3H1 features, we used both sides of our own Al extrusion. The side shown here carries indicator status LEDs for each channel, a 10 pin removable I/O connector, a logging button, and three serial ports on the right. 10 pin I/O Connector (1) - This removable connector carries two analog (single ended) user inputs (1, 2), two RPM or speed sensing inputs (3, 4), a ground (5), two linear differential wideband WBlin voltage outputs (6, 7 & 8, 9), and simulated narrowband output NBsim (10). RS232 serial port - There are two duplicated RJ45 (8 pin) connectors for normal RS232 so that a display and a PC could be used at the same time. An adapter cable provides a standard DB9 end to connect to. There is also a second low speed (6 pin port) for a dedicated display. Logging Button - Some displays can also control the logging function provided by this button. A standard 1 Mbyte of logging memory is enough for tens of minutes of recording time. Status LEDs - Each channel has a dedicated Red/Green & Amber LED to show heater and wideband functions & errors. Between these LEDs is the red logging status and the always on green power LED. |
![]() The image at left shows how 3H1 is connected to other WBo2 wideband components. Clockwise from the bottom left, the LSU (or UEGO) sensors are connected via two sensor cables (cables comes in various lengths for different applications). The sensor cables' circular 8 pin connectors mates with the wideband 3H1 unit. 3H1 needs a source of power provided by the two pin power connector. The 6 status LEDs are shown above the 10 pin connector. Beside the LEDs is the logging button that controls on-board logging. Going from the front of 3H1 to the back, there are 20 I/O connector pins spread across an 4+6 (back) and 10 pin (front) unpluggable connectors. The back has another button, then a 6 pin JRJ45 connector carrying a low speed data channel for a dedicated display. Lastly there are two 8 pin RJ45 connectors carrying RS232 data as well as other signals that are used to provide connection to PC RS232 connectivity and an intelligent display. Shown are the LD02 and LA1 displays. |
3H1 Technical InformationTechnical Overview | Outputs | Inputs | Jumper-shunts | LED Diagnostics | Logging The 3H1 unit, without cables, weighs close to 300 grams, and measures 117 x 110 mm with height of 30 mm. The mounting tabs protrude an extra 15 mm each side and the connectors add a further 10 mm back and front. Sensor, power and display cables are compatible with the other units
Wideband Outputs - WBlin0- Pin 6/10 & WBlin0+ Pin 7/10
![]() ![]() The most accurate of the 3 voltage outputs is WBlin which is generated by a 12 bit DAC using a 65 word lookup table (with linear interpolation for improved resolution). 3H1 adds the capability to program WBlin to a maximum of 8.192 Volts. A special feature of WBlin is what we have called a differential output. The WBlin+ output pin (left pin in the image) is the signal, and the WBlin- output pin is the ground reference output. This arrangement is designed to reduce the amount of noise and possible voltage offset errors seen by a device connected to WBlin. The WBlin differential output is described fully here (but note that 3H1 provides up to 8.192 Volts on WBlin). WBlin can be re-programmed using the Config utility to cover any part of the AFR range from Lambda = 0.6 to free-air over the 0 to 8 Volt range. The default linear wideband output is shown in the image at right. Note that the maximum voltage is 5.00 Volts at an AFR of 19.0 (* see note-1 below). With the default mapping as shown, when an AFR of 19 is reached, the output clamps at 5.00 Volts - this is for 100% compatibility with previous wideband models, and to ensure 5 Volt input on logging devices are not overloaded. For the default mapping shown, to convert WBlin to an AFR, simply multiply the measured voltage by 2 and add 9. The advantage of a linear output is that it's easy to write a conversion function from the wideband voltage to AFR. * Note-1: Remember that WBo2 is a Lambda meter and is "calibrated" to display AFR for fuels with a stoich AFR of 14.7 (ie. "unleaded"). For other fuels that don't have a stoich value of 14.7, the x-axis (AFR) of the graph shown here should be modified. * Note-2: while the WBlin output is accurate, the Lambda data in the RS232 data frame is inherently more accurate and does not suffer from some possible sources of signal degradation that beset all analog data. * Note-3: 3H1 has two wideband channels, and WBlin0 is mapped to wideband channel A (left circular 8 pin connector) & WBlin1 is mapped to wideband channel B (right connector). |
As well as WBlin the SVout & NBsim outputs are available. They use a 10 bit PWM circuit which is less accurate (WBlin is 12 bits) and slightly noisier too. Both outputs can be re-programmed using the Config utility.
Simulated Narrowband Output - NBsim Pin 10/10![]() ![]() The NBsim output (called NB OUT on the label at left) is designed to be compatible with the raw output of a Bosch LSM-11 sensor. Refer to this eXcel spreadsheet for the graph of this default NBsim vs AFR. Note that the curve is for a narrowband sensor. NBsim is produced by the onboard microcontroller using a 10 bit PWM A/D converter (with two pole filter), and a 65 word lookup table with linear interpolation. Unlike WBlin, a range from 0 up to 5 Volt (single ended, not differential) output is available. The default NBsim 0 to 1 volt range reduces the number of possible steps to around 200 (~5 mV per step). As NBsim can re-programmed it is possible to do a number of interesting things such as fooling the engine's ECU (if equipped with a NB sensor) into running richer or leaner than it would do otherwise. |
Compatibility Output - SVout Pin 5-RJ11 & Pin 1-RJ45![]() This 0 to 5 Volt signal (called SV OUT) can be programmed independently of the WBlin and NBsim signals. SVout originally drove the now discontinued LD01 display (taken from the RJ45 pin 1). The default AFR vs. SVout relationship is shown in the Vout table/graph page. SVout varies from a minimum of about 1.0 Volt for a very rich mixture (Lambda=0.6 or AFR=9), to 2.50 Volts for a stoic mixture, and to 3.1 Volts for a lean mixture (AFR=25). In free-air, a correctly calibrated unit should produce SVout of exactly 4.00 Volts (ie. 20.9% oxygen at 1 bar pressure). To generate SVout, the processor uses a 65 word lookup table with linear interpolation. It converts the normalised pump current (Ipx - representing AFR) into a 10 bit value that is passed to a hardware PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) A/D converter with a two pole filter. SVout is compatible with the Vout signal from the original oz-diy-wb unit (and the 1.5 unit's Vwb). It can be used to drive the analog LD01 display (or the older 5301 if you change its connector). Note that the 12 bit WBlin can be re-programmed to use the SVout table, so if you're not using WBlin and you want a more accurate SVout voltage, you should consider reprogramming WBlin. Remember however that SVout covers the full range of full-rich (Lambda=0.6) to free-air, the voltage range is small (less than 3 Volts) so measuring resolution is reduced compared to using a smaller AFR range over a larger voltage range. |
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The 3H1 has two RJ45 connectors that carry RS232 and other signals (see below). Each RJ45 carries the same signals. The unit transmits logged data on its Tx line [pin 3 - RJ45] and receives commands (from PC or display) and code updates from a PC on its Rx line [pin 2 - RJ45]. The diagram at left shows the wires within the cable and also the connections at each end. Note the pin names change from left to right - the WB unit's Tx pin transmits to the PC's Rx pin. [pin 5 - RJ45] is the shield for the Rx and Tx data lines as well as being the return data path. |
WBo2 to PC cableHere's an image of the actual RS232 cable for connection between a PC and the WB unit. The cable is used for either logging to a PC, or for re-flashing its code (under control of a PC). |
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A fused, protected and partially filtered battery voltage Vbatt is available from [pin 8-RJ45] (this is the right most RJ45 signal). This output is provided to power other devices such as the LA1 or LD02 display. It should only be connected to devices that will draw small currents; typically less than 100 milliamps. Excessive current consumption may cause heating of an internal 10 ohm dropping/protection resistor. A ground GND point [pin 5-RJ45] is provided as a return for the RS232 and Vbatt connections. Note that there are number of unconnected outputs (N/C = No Connection) on each of the RJ-45 connectors. Those N/C's that have uses on other wideband units are shown "greyed in" and include WBlin (pin 4) and NBsim (pin 6). |
6 Pin RJ11 Connector - LSS Tx & SVout
Thermocouple and Analog3H1 has 6 analog inputs spread across the three green removable connectors as shown at right.
The two single ended 5 Volt inputs (USR1 & USR2) cannot be changed, but
the 4 differential inputs (TC1 to TC3 & USR3) can be set up,
using the DIP switches described below, either as general purpose
0-5 Volt inputs or as thermocouple inputs.
By default all the inputs marked as USR are 0-5 Volt and
the inputs marked TC are for K-type thermocouple.
The default and alternate setup of the DIP switches is shown in this table:
To change the analog input hardware from these default, the case must be opened and the configuration DIP switches (shown below) set. As noted, the logging software settings must also be changed (see later). |
![]() 3H analog input options are to be found inside the case on two DIP switches located behind the split (6 + 4 way) green connector. To access the DIP switches only the four screws, securing the end-plate shown, need to be removed. The green single 10 way connector at the back of the case must also be unplugged so the PCB may then be slid out from the case. Special Note: the colour, orientation and numbering of the switches may change, but the left bank (see image) will always be 4 switches wide, and the right bank 8. The ON and OFF position of the small switches is important and this will be detailed in the following text. Please re-read the previous paragraph as some early units were shipped with the DIP switches orienatated the "wrong" way compared with the illustrations and text below - remember that the ON and OFF status of the switch is what you need to set. |
Differential vs. Single Ended ModeDifferential mode measures a voltage connected between the (+) and the (-) inputs. The voltage recorded is the difference between the two inputs. In general, the (-) input should be at or above the GND voltage, and the (+) input should be no greater than 5 Volts measured from the GND pin. In differentail mode the (-) inputs must always be connectd to the sensor or to the GND point on the green connector. Single-ended mode measures a voltage connected between the input and the GND point. The USR1 and USR2 inputs don't have (-) inputs (or rather, their (-) inputs are permanently connected to GND within the unit). Although the DIP switches may be used to convert a differential input to a single-ended input, the same can be acheived (without opening the case) by connecting a wire between the (-) input and the GND point (pin 4 on the 4 way green connector). Thermocouple vs. 0-5 Volt inputThere are two differences between inputs labelled as thermocouple (TC) and user (USR) inputs.
These differences mean that as well as setting the hardware DIP switches (amplification x1 or x101) the logging software must also be told to use 10 bit or 13 bit values. |
Thermocouple Inputs - TC1+/- to TC4+/-![]() As noted above, up to four thermocouple input channels are available from a pool of 6 analog channels. when used with standard K-type thermocouples a differential channel, is set up with a gain of 101 (see above DIP switch settings). In this case a temperature range of ambient to just over 1,200 °C can be recorded. An input voltage of 49.5 milliVolts (0.0495 Volts) will have an effective range of 0.0495 * 101 = 5.00 Volts. Each thermocouple is attached directly to the two screw terminals [left=(-)ve, right=(+)ve] as shown in the image at left. An internal thermistor, placed near the screw terminals, is used to measure ambient temperature so that ice-point compensation can be applied to the raw thermocouple data to give better accuracy. Some thermocouples use a single wire with the return via the vehicle's earth system. This type of sensor will be noisier than a two wire sensor. Any single wire input should have its corresponding DIP switch set to the GND position if a return wire from the -ve input cannot be connected physically close to the sensor itself. We don't necessarily recommend these people, but http://www.exhaustgas.com should be consulted to give you an idea of what's available. Check their part number 4018-48-R-W (48 inch long wire, weld on bung, stinger model). Or for their probes look at the bottom of the page for the products they make to suit Westach instruments. All of these probes are manufactured with terminals which suit the green connector really well. The image shows the (-)ve terminal insulated with heatshrink. The tabs on the EGT probe's end wires have been "streamlined" to prevent hitting each other during operation. The K-type thermocouples are made in either a clamp-on style, a weld-on style, a high quality bullet probe, or the stinger probes (2 year warranty). Their bullet probes work on 1000 hp/cylinder top fuel cars and need to last 100 passes. Here's a pop-up image of a hose-clamp style EGT clamp. Thermocouples generate a voltage that depends on the difference between the "hot" junction where two dissimilar metals are joined, and the "cold" junction. Basic data for K-type thermocouples is available from NIST at http://srdata.nist.gov/its90/main/its90_main_page.html. |
Up to six analog inputs (USR1 through USR6 - see above DIP switch configuration) are available. The inputs have a digital resolution of 10 bits and are sampled at a rate determined by logging configuration parameters. All channels have at least a 10k ohm input impedance (and typically much higher) and cover the range of 0 to 5 Volts (when the DIP switches are set to the X1 position). The 10 bit resolution means variation as small as 5 milliVolts can be detected, but in practice the noise limit inherent in any digital system sets the resolution to as low as 15 to 20 milliVolts.
The two inputs USR1 [pin 10/10] & USR2 [pin 9/10] are single ended and use the vehicle GND as their negative reference.
The USR3 input [pin 8/10=(+)ve, 7/10=(-)ve] is differential (and may be configured as TC4).
USR4 to USR6 may also be configured for thermocouple use, and when the DIP switch is set in the X1 position, work as normal 0-5 Volts inputs. Note that single ended input mode is selected by setting the DIP switch to the GND position.
Tacho Input - RPM1 (Pin 3/10) & RPM2 (Pin 4/10)![]() ![]()
3H1 has an RPM channel that is captured for logging.
Two inputs are provided, Designated RPM1 and RPM2.
The RPM1 input [pin 7/10] normally connects to the wire going between the points and the COIL. On vehicles that have electronic ignition and a distributor, you would connect to the point between the transistor switch (or ignition amplifier) and the coil. The COIL input should never be connected to any voltage larger than 12 Volts or damage to the WBo2 unit may result. Be aware that the RPM Jumper must be in the "COIL" position when connected to high voltage. With the RPM Jumper in the "PULSE" position, RPM1 can be connected to any lower voltage signal that produces a 5 volt pulse at some small multiple of the engine's revs. Unfortunately the loading (low input impedance) of the Lo input sometimes makes it infeasible to connect to sensitive circuits such as an inductive crank angle sensor. |
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3H1 Jumper-Shunt LocationsThe following sections describe how hardware options are set using on board jumper-shunts (often just called jumpers). These shunts are :
Click on the image or here for an enlarged popup of the jumper-shunt locations which are list from the lowest number first (not their order of importance). |
![]() It is important to remember this jumper-shunt does not need to be accessed, except when the 3H1's internal code memory has become corrupted, through a very rare power glitch or unsuccessful firmware upgrading. The reflash process is described in the reflash utility section and this can normally be accomplished without opening the case. The image at right shows the location of the rescue-reflash jumper-shunt in the middle of the Y8 header. Click for an enlarged photo-image popup. Y8 is the 8 pin expansion header that contains J2. The board does NOT have an inactive position for the J2 jumper-shunt, so simply position it on one of the header pins when the unit is not being re-flashed. |
NTK UEGO & Bosch LSU Support [J5] & [J6]
Go here for more information on the sensors supported by 3H1, but remember the sensor's actual connector may be different between otherwise compatible sensors. To change the sensor between UEGO (NTK) and LSU (Bosch), two things must be done:
![]() Be very careful to match the J3 jumper shunt's position correctly as using the NTK setting with an LSU, or vice versa, may damage the sensor or the 3H1 control unit. This warning is particularly relevant if you swap from LSU to NTK. It's quite clear which is the NTK or the LSU position. Symptoms of a jumper in the wrong position include sensors that never get hot enough (see LED diagnostics below), or it gets too hot and is damaged. |
Bosch LSU 4.0, 4.2 & 4.9 Support [W3] & [W4]
Remember to change the firmware by re-flashing 3H1 with the latest firmware for that sensor. |
WBlin - GND Reference [J3] & [J4]
Note that the effect of the J3 & J4 shunts can be reproduced by wiring WBlin- & GND together with a short piece of wire. This obviates opening the case to access J3 & J4 (but make sure J3 & J4 are off when you need them off). |
Operation of the LEDs (Error, Heater, Logging)The unit has six LEDs that describe the current status of the wideband unit. They are, from left to right, ![]()
The image above right shows the 3H1 unit's LED panel. Diagnostics from the STATUS & AMBER LEDsPlease note that some browsers may not render these animated GIF images as we intended, so be sure to read the explanation. And, we have only shown the LEDs that are important to the explanation.
If the sensor warm-up time is much over 30 seconds then either the battery voltage may be low or the sensor is placed where it is being excessively cooled by the gas flowing past it. A cool sensor position may result in reduced sensor life and inaccurate measurements.
PID Warnings : A number of conditions, that are not necessarily errors, but indications of potential problems, are reported. Something called a PID controls the sensor. There are two software PIDs used by WBo2, one for the heater, and one for the Lambda/AFR control function. A PID operates within certain control limits and will produce a warning if the control limits are reached and/or the operational parameters are exceeded. PID warnings are reported by a short RED ON flash of the LEFT LED, which will otherwise be showing the operational GREEN colour. It's possible for quite normal transient conditions to cause the RED to flash. As long as the AMBER LED remains on, and the CLEAR LED shows GREEN when not RED, then this is an indication of a PID warning. PID warnings may simply be indicating rapid changes in heating or cooling of the sensor (eg. full throttle to DFCO), and/or rapid changes in the ambient air-fuel ratio. If this occurs without an explanation (ie. without a corresponding rapid change in throttle position) then it may be an indication of an intermittent somewhere in the wiring, an aging sensor, or possibly a poor sensor position that is on the limit of the sensor's heating ability, or at the other extreme, is just too hot (remember, the controller can heat the sensor but not cool it). As the RS232 data stream carries more detailed status information, then either the LA1, LD02 or the TEWBlog logger may give more information about the condition.
![]() Logging Operation - Button & Status LED.3H1 has 1 Mbyte of on-board logging memory, this is up from the 32 kbytes of 2B0. 1 Mbyte is enough memory to save about 60 minutes of data sampled at 10 times a second. The diagram at right is an overview of how 3H1's logging works (see here for detailed technical info). It shows 3H1 collecting data from both the Lambda sensor and the other inputs (described above). That data can be immediately sent out the RS232 connection, and it can also be saved in the on-board memory. Data saving is controlled by the ON-BOARD LOGGING button to the right of the red LED. Getting that data back is controlled by software commands that are issued to 3H1 from a PC (TEWBLog does this automatically). ![]()
On-Board Logging :
Operation of 3H1's logging button is duplicated on the newer displays.
The LA1 shown uses the right hand B button to control logging
- a single press starts a logging session, another press completes it.
Data frames are the things that capture the logged data. Frames are 28 bytes long, and the default logging rate is 10 frames/sec. That's 280 bytes/second, so 1 Mbyte can save over 3,700 seconds of data (over 1 hour) The logging rate can be varied up to around 40 frames/sec which gives 3H1 just 15 minutes of storage. A logging rate of 1 frame/sec allows about 10 hours to be stored. Serial PC Logging : By default, when 3H1 has not been commanded to retrieve data from its on-board memory, it is collecting logged data, saving it into data frames, and sending those frames out the RS232 port. Therefore, virtually unlimited logging is possible. Win32 and other platform Logging software is available to enable this. |
Logging/Auto-Cal Button Operation
Auto-Cal - Automatic Sensor Re-calibration![]() The major reason for having a calibration function is to initially calibrate the unit to a sensor, and then to account for any aging of the sensor or even aging of the control unit itself (although this is minimal). Calibration and re-calibration is the process of making the unit and attached sesor(s) read as accurately as possible. Although we ship 3H1 calibrated to the sensor it was purchased for, calibration is required for best results, and certainly when a differet sensor family is substituted for the sensor shipped with the unit. We purposely manufacture 3H1 uncalibrated so it can work with a number of different sensor types with similar characteristics. Each sensors is manufactured with slightly differently parameters and the calibration process matches the sensor to the unit. Because Bosch sensor have a neat inbuilt calibration resistor that our units work with (see image at right), once a sensor is calibrated, good accuracy is maintained when another sensor (of the exact same type) is substituted. The Auto-Cal function makes it easy to re-calibrate a sensor. In fact it almost makes it too easy! To explain this we need to look at how calibration works. Basily the sensor must be placed in a known concentration of oxygen (and/or fuel) and the "gain" of the controller adjusted to match the sensor's output. The sensor's environment is critical for it to calibrate correctly. We choose to place the sensor in free-air which means the sensor is directly exposed to fresh, clean, normal air that anyone could breath (ie. it is not sitting in an exhaust pipe) We make these assumptions about free-air :
If any of these conditions are significantly different, then, although the sensor will calibrate to some value, it will not be as accurate as possible. The basic risk for a sensor placed in an exhaust system, and with an Auto-Cal function, is that re-calibration could occur with the sensor in a "dirty" atmosphere. It is vitally important that any re-calibration occurs with the sensor out of the exhaust pipe
Further InformationWe update 3H1 documentation from time-to-time in response to your Feedback. |